Superconductivity demonstration
Location: Bevkov Square / Bevkov trg (in front of the Nova Gorica Centre of Culture), Nova Gorica.
Time: 9:30 - 20:30
At the LKO we are currently working on high temperature iron based superconducting compounds. Since the discrovery of the first superconductors, at the beginning of 1900, researchers did huge progress in understanding and implementing this property. The first materials showing superconductivity are referred to as low temperature suprecondactors, because they inly exhibit superconductivity when cooled to almost 4 K (–269˚C). Their practical use is limited because cooling to such a low temperature is very expensive. superconductivity when cooled to almost 4 K (–269˚C). Their practical use is limited because cooling to such a low temperature is very expensive.
In 1986, there was a breakthrough in the superconductivity field, with the discovery of high temperature superconductors (HTSC). They conduct even at temperature of 164 K (–109˚C), which makes them suitable for practical applications. We propose a demonstration of the Meissner effect: a superconductor cooled at a very low temperature can conduct more electrical current than a common copper conduit of the same size. The strong magnetic field produced by the coils of superconducting materials creates magnetic levitation. This phenomenon makes the construction of magnetic levitation. levitating trains possible, for example.
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About the project
Researchers night 2017
This European Researchers' Night project is funded by the European Commission under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions