Programme Koper, Izola
Taverna, Koper
Livade 1.0, Izola
Faculty of Health Sciences, Izola
Simonov zaliv, Izola
Center eksperimentov Koper - House of Experiments Koper
Koper regional museum
Taverna, Kopertop
Ubiquitous computing
Playful science
Who was Hypatia?
Positive psychology
Creative and leisure activities - holidays in the woods!
Nostalgic view of tourism in Portorož
Presentation on dolphin research
Presentation of the Career Center of the University of Primorska
EU corner
Livade 1.0, Izolatop
A wonderful living world around us
Kinesiology of the ergonomy of workers on the cranes
Ergonomy of bicycling in the context of health protetction and improving of the competition performance
Measurements of lower extremity explosive power, balance and control of movement
Faculty of Health Sciences, Izolatop
Research in the health sciences can be fun
Simonov zaliv, Izolatop
Discovering the Roman villa in Simonov zaliv
How to make a mosaic?
Sign, letter, word - epigraphic and linguistic research in Izola
Center eksperimentov Koper - House of Experiments Kopertop
Experimentation - The road to knowledge and broadening our horizons
Koper regional museumtop
From archaeological finds to the subject in the museum

About the project
Researchers night 2017
This European Researchers' Night project is funded by the European Commission under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions