Scientific Marathon of the Unversity of Nova Gorica: Round table »Science is cool!«
Location: Nova Gorica Centre of Culture, Bevkov trg 4
In the large hall of the Nova Gorica Centre of Culture the European Researchers’ Night 2017 will begin with the so-called Scientific Marathon of the University of Nova Gorica. After the initial “warmer up” in the form of a series of short popular scientific lectures, a round table titled “Science is cool!” will begin at 11:00, aiming mainly at the young population, especially secondary-school students. The researchers of the University of Nova Gorica will present the profession of a researcher from all perspectives – they will share their experience on the choice of their professional careers, describe the interesting facts about their profession and its advantages and perhaps tell an anecdote or two on unusual events that have happened during the course of their careers. Of course they will not forget to present the interesting areas of science that they study and point out the importance of science in today’s society.

About the project
Researchers night 2017
This European Researchers' Night project is funded by the European Commission under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions