Exhibition µ SVET by authors dr. Maja Rupnik and Matjaž Wenzel
Location: Universitiy library of Maribor
Time: 17:00
The exhibition “µ SVET” (“µ WORLD”), created by dr. Maja Rupnik and Matjaž Wenzl, is the result of a marriage between science and art. We will be able to enjoy images of microorganisms captured through the lens of the renowned Slovene photographer.
The unveiling ceremony will be hosted by prof. dr. Lučka Kajfež-Bogataj, Nobel Peace Prize laureate, who received the prestigious award as a member of the United Nations IPPC in 2007.
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About the project
Researchers night 2017
This European Researchers' Night project is funded by the European Commission under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions