Reserchers Night in Citypark Ljubljana
printLocation: Citypark Ljubljana
Time: 14:00 - 21:00
In shopping center Citypark the main Ljubljana event of this year's Researchers' Night will take place in Ljubljana. You will be able to visit a number of stalls where Slovenian researchers will present through interactive workshops their activities and where visitors will be able to learn all about the fascinating profession and the life of the researcher.
Theme stands:
- Animals around us: exhibition materials: live insects, hidden insect voices; animals in water – work under microscope.
- Algae and cyanobacteria: On the stand "Algae and cyanobacteria" visitors will observe algae and cyanobacteria under the microscope, measure the pH of various samples, pipette the samples and see the field sampling equipment for algae in lakes.
- Genetically modified plants for molecular farming: Genetically modified plants are not useful only for food. In labs, they are used also to study plants and produce useful substances. Are you interested how we genetically modify plants? Do you know that bacteria and viruses help us? Can you imagine what can be genetically modified plants used for? We will show you how we can genetically modify plants to produce large quantities of useful substances, for examples drugs and medicaments.
- Bird research and conservation: Researchers from DOPPS-BirdLife Slovenia will present the latest equipment and methods used for monitoring and detailed ecological research on birds, which represent a basis for conservation of endangered bird populations. You will be able to look through spotting scopes and binoculares and learn more about radio and GPS loggers which are used for telemetry research. DOPPS-BirdLife Slovenia works in the public interest in the field of research and publishes the only Slovene scientific ornithological journal Acrocephalus. Participants will also receive free copies of this journal and other publications, which were published in the framework of DOPPS's research and conservation projects.
- Statomanija: Would you like to know which statistical region in Slovenia is the largest, youngest, richest, happiest, most visited, cleanest, etc.? In which Slovene municipality are cars on average the youngest? How many minutes did one have to work to buy a kilogram of brown bread in 1991 and how many minutes does one have to work today? How common are your name and family name? What names are fashionable today and what names were fashionable ten years ago?
- Jozef Stefan Institute: Representatives of the Jozef Stefan Institute will try to attract visitors with a variety of activities. The aim of their activities is to raise the attractiveness of science education and scientific careers and to boost the interest of young people in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).
The Jožef Stefan Institute is the leading Slovenian scientific research institute, covering a broad spectrum of basic and applied research. The staff of more than 960 specializes in natural sciences, life sciences and engineering.
The Jožef Stefan Institute is named after the distinguished 19th century physicist Jožef Stefan.
The subjects concern production and control technologies, communication and computer technologies, knowledge technologies, biotechnologies, new materials, environmental technologies, nanotechnologies, and nuclear engineering
- EU corner offering the European flag, connections to all relevant EU websites, demonstration about research project EU-supported, interactive activities

About the project
Researchers night 2017
This European Researchers' Night project is funded by the European Commission under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions