Creative and leisure activities - holidays in the woods!
printLocation: Taverna, Koper
Time: 10:00 - 18:00
Tourist destinations are highly dependent on natural resources. Forest is one of the natural sources of capital in tourism, very suitable for development of well-being tourism. The healing and therapeutic effect of the forest is an excellent starting point for development tourist forest products. . One of these is also Shinrin-yoku, i.e. Forest bath, an anti-stress and relaxation therapy. At the Faculty of Tourism - Turistica, Forest Tourism is the subject of the treatment of one doctor of thesis and some undergraduate tasks. An example of a Shinrin-yoku workshop is presenter - in collaboration with the Nature & Forest Therapy Association in California and the students of Turistica in the local environment.

About the project
Researchers night 2017
This European Researchers' Night project is funded by the European Commission under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions