University centre in Ajdovščina
University Centre in Ajdovščina Vipavska ulica 11 c, Ajdovščina
The event will take place in the research laboratories and centres of the University of Nova Gorica, located in the University Centre in Ajdovščina (Vipavska street 11 c, Ajdovščina; next to the Ajdovščina Administrative Unit and the Šturje Primary School). The School of Science is also located in the same premises.
There are no public transport services in Ajdovščina, but the location can easily be reached either on foot or by car.
Accessibility for guests with mobility disabilities
The location can easily be accessed also by guests with mobility disabilities.
Access by car
From the direction of Ljubljana:
On the H4 high speed road choose the exit Ajdovščina. At the crossroads turn right and continue driving along the Ajdovščina by-pass, past the petrol station and the Mercator shopping centre. In the roundabout take the third exit and drive straight on along Vipavska street. Turn into the first street on your right (follow the signs for the Ajdovščina Administrative Unit/Upravna enota Ajdovščina and University Centre/Univerzitetno središče). The grey-blue premises of the University Centre are located next to the Administrative Unit and the Šturje Primary School.
From the direction of Nova Gorica/Italy:
On the H4 high speed road choose the exit Ajdovščina. At the crossroads turn right and continue driving along the Ajdovščina by-pass, past the petrol station and the Mercator shopping centre. In the roundabout take the third exit and drive straight on along Vipavska street. Turn into the first street on your right (follow the signs for the Ajdovščina Administrative Unit/Upravna enota Ajdovščina and University Centre/Univerzitetno središče). The grey-blue premises of the University Centre are located next to the Administrative Unit and the Šturje Primary School.
From the direction of Idrija:
At the crossroads of Idrijska street and Vipavska street turn left into Vipavska street and then left into the first street on your left (follow the signs for the Ajdovščina Administrative Unit/Upravna enota Ajdovščina and University Centre/Univerzitetno središče). The grey-blue premises of the University Centre are located next to the Administrative Unit and the Šturje Primary School.
Car parking facilities: In the immediate vicinity of the University Centre there are free parking spaces available.
IAdditional information:

About the project
Researchers night 2017
This European Researchers' Night project is funded by the European Commission under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions