Statistical office Ljubljana
printStatistical Office, Litostrojska cesta 54, Ljubljana
The Statistical Office is located at Litostrojska cesta 54, in the northern part of Ljubljana about 4 kilometres from the city centre. It can be reached by bicycle, car, taxi or city bus. The main entrance to the building is opposite the final stop of city bus No. 3. The building is called Palača D.S.U. As a visitor, you will have to pass the x-ray security check at the entrance.
Access by car
If you are coming from the Ljubljana ring road, take the Industrijska cona Šiška exit in direction south or the Savlje exit in direction north and continue on the Litostrojska cesta. You can park the car at the visitors’ parking lot left of the main entrance (turn left just before the main entrance barrier). Please ring at the left barrier and say that you are visiting the Statistical Office. Park in one of the first five spots on the left marked ® SURS. From the main entrance, walk past the restaurant terrace and left to the building’s entrance.,14.4960879,367m/data=!3m1!1e3
Access by bus
Take bus No. 3 or 3B, direction 'LITOSTROJ', exit at the final stop.
Access by bicycle
There is a bicycle track along the Celovška cesta, but not along the Litostrojska cesta; you can also ride the bicycle along the Pot spomina in tovarištva (Path of Memories and Camaraderie).
You can also reach the building by taxi.

About the project
Researchers night 2017
This European Researchers' Night project is funded by the European Commission under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions