Nova Gorica Centre of Culture
printNova Gorica Centre of Culture, Bevkov trg 4, 5000 Nova Gorica
The event will take place in the small and large halls and the lobby of the Nova Gorica Centre of Culture (Bevkov trg 4, 5000 Nova Gorica). It is located in the very centre of the town of Nova Gorica, therefore it is easily reached either on foot or by local transport
Access by bus
The local town transport is free of charge. The nearest bus stop is the one next to the Nova Gorica main coach station (Mestna AP Nova Gorica). For the timetable of the local transport operator please see:
Scheme of the public transport routes:
Accessibility for guests with mobility disabilities
The location can easily be accessed also by guests with mobility disabilities.
Access by car
From the direction of Ajdovščina/Ljubljana:
On the H4 high speed road choose the exit Šempeter/Nova Gorica. In the first roundabout take the third exit (in the direction of Nova Gorica). In the next roundabout (at the Casino Fortuna) take the second exit and drive straight on through the tunnel to reach Nova Gorica. In the roundabout at the Q-landia shopping centre take the third exit by turning into the Tolminskih puntarjev street. In the next roundabout, take the first exit by turning into Kidričeva street. Bevkov square/Bevkov trg is on your left, opposite the City Municipality of Nova Gorica and Administrative Unit Nova Gorica buildings.
From the direction of Tolmin/Bovec:
If you arrive in Nova Gorica by taking the Solkan by-pass, take the first exit at the roundabout (by turning into Vojkova street). At the crossroads at the church turn left into Kidričeva street. Drive straight on for approximately 250 m. Bevkov Square/Bevkov trg is on your right, opposite the City Municipality of Nova Gorica and Administrative Unit Nova Gorica buildings. If you reach Nova Gorica by driving through the centre of Solkan, continue driving along Vojkova street, past the petrol station. At the crossroads at the church turn right into Kidričeva street and drive straight on for about 250 m. Bevkov Square/Bevkov trg is on your right, opposite the City Municipality of Nova Gorica and Administrative Unit Nova Gorica buildings.
From the direction of Italy:
- If driving by the A34 highway cross the border at the Vrtojba/s. Andrea border crossing and continue via the H4 high speed road. Take the Šempeter/Nova Gorica exit and follow the signs for Nova Gorica and follow the instructions listed above for accessing Nova Gorica from the direction of Ajdovščina/Ljubljana.
- from the centre of Gorizia (Gorica): From the centre of Gorizia/Gorica you can reach Nova Gorica via the border crossing at via S. Gabriele street. Continue along Erjavčeva street (for about 800 m) until you reach the main Nova Gorica coach station on your right. Bevkov Square/Bevkov trg is located on your left, behind the tall Eda center building. You can also reach Bevkov Square/Bevkov trg from the direction of Gorizia by crossing the state border either at Rožna Dolina (follow the signs for Nova Gorica) or the Solkan border crossing (after crossing the border take a sharp left turn into Dr. Karel Lavrič street. At the roundabout take the first exit by turning into the Gradnikove brigade street and drive straight on for about 500 m. The Nova Gorica Centre of Culture and Bevkov Square/Bevkov trg are located on your left, opposite the pharmacy.)
GPS coordinates:
latitude: 45.958102°, longitude: 13.646818°
Car parking facilities: In the immediate vicinity of the there are also plenty of parking spaces available, parking is free after 16:00.
Additional information:

About the project
Researchers night 2017
This European Researchers' Night project is funded by the European Commission under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions