Europark Maribor
printEUROPARK SHOPPING CENTRE Maribor, Pobreška cesta 18, 2000 Maribor
Foot access
EUROPARK SHOPPING CENTRE is in a 5 minutes walking distance from the city centre.
Access by bus
You can also go with the bus, as the following buses drive to EUROPARK: 3, 9, 10, 12, 13, 16, 17, 20.
Access by car
On the highway from Ljubljana to Maribor choose the exit Maribor South (slov. Maribor jug). Continue straight ahead on the Ljubljanska and then the Tržaška road, follow the signs for Maribor Center, and then choose the right exit for Dravograd / Ruše / Ptuj. Continue straight on the Tržaška and then Titova road to the first roundabout, where you select the first exit to Pobreška road.
On the highway to Maribor select the exit Maribor sever and connect to the motorway. Select the exit Dravograd / Maribor center and turn right at the fork to the Meljska road. After 450 meters turn left at the first exit onto Industrijska street, then drive 130 meters and turn left again onto Oreško dock (Oreško nabrežje). After 200 meters turn right, cross the bridge and turn right to Pobreška road.
If you are driving from Ptuj to Maribor, take the highway A4/E59. Drive towards Maribor and choose the exit Maribor South (slov. Maribor jug). Continue straight ahead on the Ljubljanska and then the Tržaška road, follow the signs for Maribor Center, and then choose the right exit for Dravograd / Ruše / Ptuj. Continue straight on the Tržaška and then Titova road to the first roundabout, where you select the first exit to Pobreška road.
Drive past Kamnica straight along Koroška road. At the roundabout take the 2. exit and drive on the Gosposvetska street until you reach Stroßmayerjeva street where you turn right. At the traffic light turn left towards Main Square (slov. Glavni trg). At the first roundabout take the 2. exit and at the next roundabout again the 2. exit to Svetozarevska street. Turn right onto the Heroj Bračič street. At the roundabout take the 1. exit to Titova road and at the next roundabout take the 2. exit to Pobreška road.
Completely renovated garage assures simpler and more efficient parking, easier orientation for the customers and better traffic flow. The new arrangement of the garage follows the example of the most modern shopping centres in Europe. We used an innovative and technology-based parking system that shows vacant/occupied parking spaces and has one-way traffic flow. An additional entrance and exit have been arranged.
Access for physically handicapped persons is regulated.

About the project
Researchers night 2017
This European Researchers' Night project is funded by the European Commission under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions