Cell bank - biobank
printBiobanka d.o.o., Prevale 9, Trzin
Access by bus or train
Bus or train stops at the crossroad of Štajerska and Ind.cona Trzin. Cross the street and go straight forward. Turn right at the second crossroad onto Prevale street. The 5th building on the left is our laboratory.
Additional information:
- Train: http://www.slo-zeleznice.si/sl/ (Time table: LJ-Trzin Ind. cona)
- Bus: http://www.kam-bus.si/index.php?page=pot (Time table: LJ- Trzin Ind. cona)
Access by car
From Ljubljana – at Tomačevo roundabout take exit Trzin, then continue straight on the Štajerska road. Turn left at the crossroad Ind. cona Trzin, then turn right at the second intersection onto Prevale street. The 5th building on the left is our laboratory. You can park in front of the building for free.

About the project
Researchers night 2017
This European Researchers' Night project is funded by the European Commission under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions